Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I was just googling up some lyrics and here's what pop up at the sidebar.

Well, now we all know where to find our virtual Bellas.

Ordinary Day

yeahh, so I haven't been online in ages.
but nothing new happened in the span of the last month. only adrenaline rush I get is probably when I trip on the stairs or when I'm rushing for school. Been more conservative in class lately. Made my comfort zone at where I sit, making small talk/playing funlame games with Joel/Woei Hwa/Wei Loan, mostly not concerning anything that anything actually matters.

I guess there's when the whole ''what happened to you, Jyen?'' keeps popping up. I guess this is me drawing the line, prioritising. I keep getting the whole ''you've changed, Jyen. What's up?''. I don't think I have changed at all. This is just another side of me that has never really been portrayed I guess, not in class anyway. Not like I stopped laughing or anything like that. Yeah sure, I used to go fool around at the back of the class alot back then & shout & joke & and make unappropriate jokes whereas now I just sit at my place at, in chemistry terms, Group6, Period2. I still do, just not often. As I said, I've made my comfort zone at where I'm seated so I stay there. Plus, I think it's high time I get my act together and finally study, pay attention in class, use the free periods to do benefitial things, & all the things you'll write in a ''Characteristics of an A+ student'' essay. I've only got myself and school teachers to rely on, since I don't have tuition to back my crappy memory up. I really don't like Chemistry, just needed to say that.

Being a lil tuned down, I get to see things in a slightly larger magnification. Like I get to see the type of friends around me I guess. Let's pretend I'm being hypothetical. There are some who will always have my back, check in every once in a while. There are some who bitch around when you're not there, in fact, they'll bitch about anyone behind their back. There are some who likes being at your company preferably only when you're fun. There are some who come to you, only when they need you, like for pictures/camera usage or maths teaching. I'm good at maths :) So yeah, I guess it's not surprising when you find friends like that. I'm not gonna get bitchy or emotional, cause I like to believe I'm more matured than that & no hard feelings towards anyone anyway. Still friends with everyone around me, no doubt, with no overrated high school drama, not with me included anyway. Plus, I did say it's all hypothetical.
I know I've got rain-or-shine friends and ADressedRangerInANutTookANinkupau, so that's more than enough for me cause I'm definitely complete with them :)
I still really don't like Chemistry, just needed to repeat that.

Would like to emphasize again, I'm not a changed person going down some sort of emotional road. I've passed puberty, so no hormonal changes for me & Do Not attack me with all that ''you got PMS arh?'' crap. If it satisfies your curiousity, I'll tell you when I'm in a period where I could be at the risk of having any premenstrual syndromes. I'm still all ''fun and slightly unappropriate'', just that now I've got my own time and place.

still smiling (:

still not liking Chemistry.

You do, you don't

In case these were on the search, since I can't do no tagging :)