Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hello, Goodbye

Some unrelated notes because I think I like to talk about myself to myself. 


So I am trying to force this ''DO IT NOW'' habit upon myself.
Procrastination has always been my biggest weakness. Chocolate's a very close second.
So this is nothing worth shouting/boasting/blogging about, but yet totally is - I reduced my inbox college email inbox from 500+ mail down to 65. Mmmmhmmm, you can close that jaw right now ;)


I'm starting to listen to radio stations now instead of my own music just so I am more in touch with news (and bad commercials) and what not. The stations here keep repeating the same music. I've heard Jason Derulo's ''Talk Dirty'' so many times that I'm mad at the Asian girl at the beginning and end of the song - he's been singing for THREE WHOLE MINUTES and you decide to only tell him you don't understand at the END?! But I'm kinda glad that this horrible forever-on-repeat-music-on-radio is international and not just a Malaysian thing.  


I finally got on the Instagram wagon (@jyennn10). I'm not sure why I succumbed to it after all these years of resisting it. But because I, in my mum's words, ''always go against traffic'' (oh damn, I just realised she might have meant that literally as well), I'm starting a no-selfie and no-meal-photos streak. I'm 6 days and 3 photos in and so far, so good. Let's see if this holds up and how many people will start un-following me and if Instagram starts hating me by giving my photos the option of a DISLIKE button. 


A shout out to my wife, Morgan, for getting elected into her desired committee and for being so uh-may-zaayyyy-nnng :D Sending all my love to Australia!

Also a shout out to Bryce because I recently went through old stuff on my phone and I found the list of ''things that make me happy''. I've added a few! You should too :) 


Also. Guess what song is playing right now..
NO, Jason Derulo, I DON'T WANNA TALK DIRTY TO YOU (mostly because I'd rather if he talk dirty to me instead)! And how sure are YOU that MY BOOTY doesn't need explaining?! 
Men. So presumptuous *flips hair*

I barely have any hair to flip.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I was Made for Sunny Days

So the snow has allowed me to build two snowmen this winter season. I present you my (joined effort with my friends of course) masterpieces.

Yeah, they actually kind look a lil creepy don't they.. 
I built these two snowmen with 2 different group of friends but I'm not quite sure why both groups insisted on the snowmen having boobs. I insisted on the snowmen having butts, which unfortunately possess no traces of visual proof :( I built fantastic glorious snowbutts, if I may say so.

But it's finally spring now! As much ''fun''(barely any) as I had, I'm glad winter is over and the snow is melting.
I certainly don't miss having to walk through this


So 2 weeks of spring break has passed.
I spent the first week in Manistique, Michigan with Habitat for Humanity, which for a while, felt like a silly move cause people usually head to warmer places for spring break and I headed north instead.
But definitely no regrets.
The other students who came on the trip were fantastic people to be spending those 7 days with.
We visited an ice cave which I thought was reallyy cool.
But we also narrowly escaped injury cause this LARGE ice piece (see the missing gap in the middle?) just came CRASHING down and everyone were only a few feet away. 
We left the place immediately.
But what was hilarious was that my friend, Min, was right about to take a picture of me and when she finally counted to ''3'' was also the exact moment the ice fell. And she clicked.
Did she take a photo of the falling ice? No.
But she captured my facial reaction the moment it happened.
This photo became the group's go to photo for laughter. And here it is.
No shame.

Then, I spent 4 days of my second week in Orlando, Florida.
Visited an old school friend, Taoufik, back from the IB days.
And as much as I appreciated his hospitality, I must've forgotten how much of a kid this guy is because at the end of it, I was just mentally exhausted from using up all my tolerance. 
But it was still nice, seeing him again after 2 years. 
We spent the last night at his friend's place in Tampa which turned into a small party - I only finally ''slept'' at 8 in the morning & I had a flight at 11.30am, which I thankfully didn't miss.
Everyone I met that night were soo friendly and they were all international kids - Kazakhstan, Russia, Africa, Nigeria, Morocco, India.

Now school's kicked off to what I expect to be my busiest half-semester yet.
I'mma try be on top of my sh*t but guess we'll see how things turn out. 

I miss the heat.