Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chasing Cars

One week break's over. That was fast :/

Now back in boarding. Had intentions to blog before this but the boarding wifi blocks out blogspot. Eeeh, geram. Currently using roommate's broadband, suddenly felt like blogging.

So from where I last left off 2 posts ago ; 

Now I'm pretty settled in in my school and in boarding. Getting the hang of things.

And I did end up changing my elective subject from Film Studies to Chemistry. I've got alot to do, academically. Back in high school, my forte was English & Math. But now I'm struggling in both. For Math, I have myself to blame, lacking in practice. However, going through English, it really made me think that the standard of English in the public education system should really be raised. It's ridiculous really, the current standard right now. It's almost embarrassing. I've got so much to catch up on, from the Literature side of English.

I'm managing Econs pretty alright, I would like to think. German is tough, but I'm surviving, barely, but still keeping my head above the water. Chemistry is ahaaaaa, alright so far, I love my Chem teacher, Mr. Newton ''Don't fear, Newton's here'' HEH :) Bio is pretty alright too.

But I know everything just gets tougher from here. So high time I buck up and cut up the slack.

Putting all the academical things aside, I'm so glad that I've got sports.
Finally proper constant exercise after my 8 month laze :)
I've got netball & football.
Ahaa, football. Only past ''experience'' I've had is one futsal game back in 07 and having my brother kick the ball at me when he gets the chance. But I'm getting to know the game, not an easy game, but pretty fun. though tiring.

I've got tons of pictures of all the ''in betweens'' that happened in the period that I've been here. I'll try to find time for that.
But for noww, gotta go do my Chem and Econs for tomorrow.

Just longing for the weekend to come.