Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Run Around Sue

I'm hungry. And home alone. And..
...well I wrote that about an hour ago. Brain constipated with the words I needed. So I gave up and went and cook myself some maggi noodles instead. The feeling of knowing something for certain, but yet hoping for it to be different each time you try.. that's me with my cooking. It's amazing, how I'm always surprised when the food I cook tastes as bad as it does. I can't even handle cooking bloody noodles. If taken literally, bloody noodles would be pretty disgusting. But at least I'm not hungry anymore.

Speaking of disgusting, one other thing that never fail to surprise me is finding drops of pee around the toilet bowl when using the public washroom. I get that some people aren't too good with aiming, as I can relate to that when I try to put balls through fcking hoops, but, come on! The toilet seat hole thing isn't exactly microscopic. And really, all it takes is for you to sit your ass down, or squat, and release. Aiming isn't  even necessary. Unless gravity doesn't work with you and your pee. Then I stand corrected.

Third totally irrelevant thing, it's amazing how back then, music artists were able to sing about what we'd call today: sluts and whores, and make it sound almost respectable. Prime example ; Run around Sue by Dion. I wonder how it was like, living in such an era. People back then were probably much more able to aim when peeing too. Just saying.


  1. I'm dead accurate at peeing down toilet bowls. Just saying.

    1. Wasn't even directed at your gender. You having the need to justify that is coming off as rather suspicious. Hmmm.
