Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tick Tock

..and there goes another year. 2009.

It's been quite a year. Some 365 days.

So this was my 2009

the Friends..
Nicole, Wai Leong, Audrey & Jiek. They who really helped me get me through the year. If it wasn't for them, my 2009 could really have been a very slow and sometimes painful crawl. They stuck by me, whenever, whatever. I have a feeling even if I actually do rob a bank, they'll be my run away car. okay maybe not Jiek, he'll most probably get us landed with the cops by posting a huge sign ''WE ROBBED THE BANK'' at the back of the car or something. 2009 also had some conflicts stored. Not among us 5, but us 5 with others, as sad as it is. Letting scouts & prefects & leo get in the way of friendships. kinda sucks. But i'm glad to say there ain't no hating now (:

the Boy ..
Adrian Tan. had some ups and downs in 2009. But the ups definitely overshadows the downs. We got through whatever thrown our way. He's always there, whether I was sad, happy, angry(whether at him or not), idiotic, punching him or just plain senseless. He'd say anything to make me feel better. If I were to play piano and people were to throw oranges at me, he'd most probably say it wasn't because i sucked, but because everyone else was tone deaf. haha. Could always rely on him, even at 4 in the morning. His name's written all over this beating heart (:
Overall, I'd say 2009 was an awesome year for us. Forever & Always.

the Seniors..
oh gosh. Wilson. Theresa. Gladwin. Andrew. Jason.. the list doesn't end here. well, I'll have another post coming up some time in the next few days for them. :)
can't believe they're leaving. left, actually.

the Scouting Life..
whua, had tons of ups and downs here too. Got elected as TL, which was at first awesome, yay. then things got more complicated, with the conflicts and everything else thrown in. Having the scouter who is also your brother who torments you at home with scouts whether necessary or not, I didn't see that coming when I signed up for this. (he's an awesome scouter, and can be an awesome brother. But it's not a good mix, having him both as a scouter AND brother). But i guess it's partly me, I really could have done better as a TL, i've got my regrets. On a happier note, we succeeded in pulling off a camp all by ourselves. not to mention we got ''Badan Uniform Terbaik'' and for the first time, countless thanks to Christopher Felix and fellow seniors, we also snatched away the gold for Kawad Kaki during sports day.
Well, it may be a smaller flame now, but I've still got the Scouting Spirit burning in me (:

the Schooling Life..
4 Arif. supposingly the nerd class. but 4B kinda stole that from us. So we were just ''the other noisy bio class whose students ain't as disciplined as the 4 Bestarians''. Nic, Jiek & I are most probably the cheerful-est and most melodious ones in class. Nic & Jiek made class so much more less stressful and boring, which I guess is a good thing cause i'm not exactly that of a studious person. & together, we came up with the awesome-st EST presentation ever made. & we had like 3 physics teacher. First was En. Azlan, who left after one class. Next was En. Zamri. He wasn't funny. but Nic and I laughed alot anyway. I somehow paid attention in his class when everyone else didn't. Then came Pn. Susan. & I somehow stopped paying attention when everyone else started paying attention. Odd. Not to mention the EST classes! ahh. Dr. Minder's special alright.

the Photography Life..
the newest element, photography. My main partner here would be Kai Yoong, of course. we were both involved in all the same events. Graduation day, Choral Speaking States Level, Hari Koko, Hari Kecemerlangan. :)
Nic was there too, for most of it. I abused her camera alot. Sorry, Nic :( and thanks alot
oh and through photography, I also found out that Akim was into it too!

the Everything else..
2009 also brought in some new things. Like debate & public speaking. Got close to some friends too. Like Luke via public speaking. Simon via Luke. Adha, Shafiq and plus plus via olahraga. Oh & Mount Korbu! Nic and Man finally got to hike too. That was some awesome experience alright.

So yeah, that is 2009, as summarised as summarised summary can be. I'm running out of time, you see. Gonna go to my other place in Bukit Rimau.
Well then.

it's hours till New year.
So Happy New Year in advanced, y'all.
Another year gone, another year comes.
Here's to 2009 and here's to 2010.

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