Monday, April 23, 2012

A Lovely Sound

Oh oh. So some time last week in German class, we were asked to come up with a 4line poem about any member of the family.

& mine went something like this (I'm not entirely sure if it's grammatically correct though)

Meine Opa
Er ist lustig und nie langweilig
Er mag tanzen und liebe Rap-Musik
Er hält mich als eine Königinnen
denn er macht meine hausaufgaben.

I was pretty desperate to make it rhyme, and it was difficult to do with my shallow pool of vocabulary. My poem translated to english meant;

My Grandfather
He is funny and never boring
He likes dancing & loves rap music
He makes me feel like a queen
because he does my homework

Yeahh :/
 Not exactly something I'd dedicate to my grandfather.
& no. My grandfather doesn't do my homework.


  1. Woah, some pretty impressive poetry work you got goin' on there! ;)
